Leaders Pathway
Leaders are considering how they can make significant contributions to Jesus’ kingdom. Leaders desire to influence people or direct systems to become better at doing what Jesus has called Christians to do. Leaders are marked by empathy and/or awareness.
Leaders can often feel under-qualified to be in front of others, either because they lack skill or are ashamed of their past. Leaders’ insecurities can prevent them assuming the responsibility Jesus has called them toward.
If connected to a church
- Learn to collaborate with others in making decisions. Resist the temptation to lead where no one is following.
- Lean into your empathy or awareness in dealing with people. You can contribute a lot by reading their body language and situation.
- Practice listening all the way through a problem before addressing it.
- Begin to pray for discernment and guidance. Not every problem is one Jesus is calling you to address.
If disconnected from church
- Make it an absolute priority to find a church quickly, even if it’s not a perfect fit. Pray for guidance and don’t be too picky. Google Maps view of churches in your area
- If you’re leaving a church in disagreement, either make amends to return or leave in peace, but after that, resume the church search quickly.