A Relationship with Jesus

Following Jesus is the greatest joy anyone can experience. If you’re interested in a relationship with Jesus, it helps to admit two things first.

1. You are broken and in desperate need of a Savior. This includes everyone on the planet, and you in particular. No one is more broken than anyone else. You are both the perpetrator and the victim of this brokenness, meaning you both suffer from it and inflict it on yourself and others.

2. You are made to find complete wholeness in relationship with Jesus. The Bible calls this reconciliation, and the only way we begin this relationship of reconciliation with Jesus is by being vulnerable with Him. You open your heart to him, admitting you need him, admitting your sins, fears, and hopes. When you do this, Jesus is ready to make you new on the inside.

Your next step on this journey is to let someone know.

No one was created to make this journey by themselves - this is why we form churches in the first place.