Explorers Pathway
Although Explorers have questions, they are genuinely curious about Jesus, and what it would mean to commit their life to Him. Explorers can be curious about Jesus for various reasons, but it’s often a result of sustained observations.
Struggles for Explorers
In addition to philosophical barriers (“Is Jesus real?”), Explorers can have personal barriers to following Jesus like pride or insecurity. It’s helpful for Explorers to be honest about personal hang-ups.
Next Steps for Explorers
If already connected to a church
- Attend a church service, and ask questions of spiritual leaders there.
- Spend significant time with a Christian and their friends, observing it all from the “inside.”
If disconnected from church
- Make a connection with a trusted person or a group of people, and open up to them about their questions. This could be a church group, a Bible study, or something else.
- Look into Christianity by listening to a sermon podcast, or watching a video of a church service.