Believers Pathway
Believers have placed their faith in Jesus and follow Him, but are often unsure of what to do next. Most on this pathway are either newer believers or stagnant believers in need of a jumpstart.
Believers are often tempted to return to old habits in times of stress or anxiety. Believers often lack the spiritual awareness of what is happening to them, and the spiritual maturity to know what to do next.
If connected to a church
- Find people who are willing to invest in your spiritual journey. Following Jesus is something to be done in community.
- Begin to try spiritual disciplines on your own, like praying at the same time every day.
- Hard lessons are likely coming, brace for impact by reaching out early and often.
If disconnected from church
- Find a church to connect with. The ups and downs of following Jesus are not something you should try to do alone. Google Maps of churches in your area.
- Study Scripture and learn how to apply it to your everyday life.